Educational Tracks Overview
While other sessions and networking opportunities provide learning opportunities as well, year after year the number one reason YMCA staff and volunteers report for attending the NAYDO Conference are the Educational Workshops.Educational tracks are designed to guarantee that all aspects of YMCA financial development are covered in some way:
- Annual Support
- Capital Development
- Major and Planned Giving
- Board and Volunteer Development
- Marketing and Communications
- DEI in Philanthropy
- Operations & Philanthropy
- Grants & Government Funding
- Special Sessions & Fundamentals
Helpful hints on selecting sessions:
Mix and match sessions to meet your YMCA’s needs. Unless specifically noted, no advance sign-up is required. For some workshops, there is overlap in terms of the focus among several tracks - read the description before choosing to attend based on track name or title alone.
Mix and match sessions to meet your YMCA’s needs. Unless specifically noted, no advance sign-up is required. For some workshops, there is overlap in terms of the focus among several tracks - read the description before choosing to attend based on track name or title alone.
While you may attend any workshop you want, presenters have identified the groups their material will be most helpful for using the following codes found by the track name in each session listing:NFD – New Financial Development Staff
SFD – Seasoned Financial Development Staff
MC – Marketing and Communications Staff
PM – Program and Membership Directors
EX – Executive Directors, CEOs and COOs
BD – Board Members
FV – Fundraising Volunteers
GW - Grant Writers
SMY – Content Applicable to Smaller Ys
15 + Years in Financial Development: Advanced Forums
These are designed as smaller group sessions limited to attendees with 15+ years of financial development experience.
5+ Years in Financial Development: Intermediate Sessions
These sessions are designated for experienced staff/volunteers with at least 5 years experience who may not yet qualify for the Advanced Forums
Applicable for Smaller YMCAs - SMY
Because of the growing involvement of smaller YMCAs, workshop presenters were asked to indicate if their content was applicable to small YMCAs. Look for SMY under Target Audience listing.
Y-USA Leadership Certification CreditsFor US attendees, the NAYDO Conference earns you Leadership Certification Credits. The NAYDO Conference counts as an elective for the Organizational Leader Bridge Program and counts as recertification credit for the Multi-Team and Branch Leader or Organizational Leader certifications. In order for this to show up properly on your YMCA of the USA transcript you will need to provide on your NAYDO Conference registration form the following information: date of birth, last 4 digits of your Social Security number and email address. If any one of those items is left blank, NAYDO cannot submit your record to Y-USA. For any questions, contact Y-USA at leadershipcertification@ymca.net.
CFRE Certification Credit
A CFRE tracker will be available before the conference so you can submit based on the sessions you attend.
Get the Recognition You Deserve! - Become a Certified Fund Raising Executive
Get an overview of the CFRE application process and criteria as well as tips for preparing for the certification exam. CFRE certification is well worth the effort both personally and for your YMCA - to stand out as a YMCA professional proficient in strategic philanthropic leadership.